what is DOOH

If you follow the marketing blogosphere, you’ve probably heard a little bit about digital out of home, or DOOH, media a lot. Not only is it one of the hottest trends in the marketing industry, it’s also known as one of the premium mediums to grab your audience’s attention. But if you’re not in the industry, you might be wondering what DOOH ad actually is.

DOOH signage is more impressive to audiences

Digital out of home or DOOH media refers to digital media that occurs in public environments. This includes digital billboards and outdoor signage, as well as networks of screens in places like shopping malls and healthcare settings.

DOOH covers a wide range of content and can be seen almost everywhere. Head to a nearby business district and you might see large digital billboards, small digital signage, or even small TV screens for advertising. All of these are digital ooh examples applications.

In practice, these screens often look much like the static billboards and signs that have been used for centuries. But because dooh screens can display dynamic and interactive images, their content flexibility is higher. Mobile content is also more likely to grab attention, meaning DOOH is more likely to impress audiences.

Differences between ooh and dooh

lower management costs

Every time a traditional billboard is replaced with a new advertisement, it will incur the cost of reprinting and installation. Playing new content on digital billboards can be done automatically in seconds. The upfront investment cost of setting up a digital screen is higher, but the profitability far exceeds the investment cost.

More diverse content

Dooh signage can also play different content at the same time. While conventional billboards maintain static images for weeks, dooh ads can be updated every 15 seconds. This variety of changes can increase the audience’s viewing interest and acceptance of content.

dooh network

More creative content

Pairing DOOH with other modern technologies can make it even more impressive. DOOH screens that use facial recognition technology can play content based on viewer demographics. Integrating weather data can create ad content that changes automatically depending on whether the weather is cloudy or sunny. Pairing DOOH with other sensors and software can infinitely amplify its creativity, context and relevance, much of which is not possible with static advertising.

Detailed playback report

Similar to online advertising, DOOH software can also generate useful data reports. This is invaluable data for both marketers and network operators. Proof-of-play, schedule reports and incident reports help all parties involved ensure that ad content is delivered during set times and respond to any issues in a timely manner.

Depth Demographics

Finally, DOOH ads can also generate very useful viewing analysis reports. Reports can include how many people viewed the ad, their age and gender, and the time of day when the ad was most seen. Advertisers can better understand the impact of playback and whether the ad content is engaging the target audience. And network owners can understand the value of their screens, allowing them to price accordingly.